This blog post will be an “under the hood” look at how 4th Wall Games works.


On Thursday night we debuted Harrowing Adventures to the public as a part of Game On!, a co-production of SXSW Gaming and the Austin Chronicle at the Bob Bullock Museum.


This week, I’m going to take a little break from talking about our game, Harrowing Adventures, because there’s something in the news that I actually know quite a lot about: exploring pyramids with radiation from space.

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Three-Act Story Structure

Mark and I decided that we wanted Harrowing Adventures to be a great interactive fiction game and to also read like a story that fits a traditional narrative even though the players are making decisions to control the course of the story. We’re using the three-act structure to help guide us. What is Three-Act Story […]


We’re probably overdue for our first developer update blog post, but even so we’ve been keeping busy with the development of Harrowing Adventures! This week is an exciting week because we have finished building the architecture for the single player game, which will serve as the prologue to Harrowing Adventures. So we’ve made a game! […]


In an interactive novel, the reader influences the story through choices. Upon replay, that reader can make different choices and explore a whole new path. Eat your heart out, Robert Frost! Let’s talk about choices in Harrowing Adventures as they relate to traditional gamebooks, digital interactive fiction, and what new challenges arise with multiple players.


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